The best of Russia may be beneath your feet.

As a traveler, Moscow has an undeniable allure. It is an incredible city full of iconic sights. Must-see attractions include historic Red Square, the mighty Kremlin, the colorful onion domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral…

…and the subway.

The subway?!?

Yes, the subway.
Hear me out.
Moscow has an inexpensive and very efficient subway system, but what sets the Moscow metro apart are its fabulous, often opulent stations. Unlike the many boring, bland and “blah” subway stations found in other cities, the stations of the Moscow metro are delightful. Every station has its own unique personality and artistic signature. For just a few dollars you can spend the better part of a day on a self-guided, hop on/hop off tour of the Moscow metro stations.
Here are some of the stations I visited:

The metro is really busy and crowded with commuters, but if you’re patient there are a few seconds just after a train has boarded when you can snap a cool picture of an empty platform. I felt very accomplished every time I got one of those.
This is a great activity for anyone interested in art, architecture, history, photography, mass transit, local culture or budget sightseeing. Visiting the Moscow underground also offers a window into the day to day lives of modern Moscovites.
Please don’t miss this unique experience when visiting Moscow.
All aboard!